Pure Language and Library Documentation ======================================= .. Pandoc header block: .. % Pure Language and Library Documentation .. % Albert Gräf (ed.) .. % Last updated: |today| (Pure version @version@) .. only:: html Last updated: |today| (v\ |version|) .. |GPL| replace:: GNU General Public License .. |LGPL| replace:: GNU Lesser General Public License .. |BSDL| replace:: BSD License .. |FDL| replace:: GNU Free Documentation License .. _FDL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html .. _GPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html .. _LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html .. _BSDL: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php .. _Pure website: https://agraef.github.io/pure-lang/ .. _Pure mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/pure-lang .. raw:: latex \markboth{}{} This manual collects all of Pure's online documentation: :doc:`pure` which covers the Pure language and the operation of the Pure interpreter; the :doc:`purelib` which describes the standard library modules included in the distribution of the Pure interpreter; all available documentation for the various `addon modules`_ which can be downloaded as separate packages from the Pure website; and an appendix with :doc:`installation instructions`. Most of the Pure documentation is distributed under the |FDL|_. The authors of the current edition are listed below. (This just lists the primary section authors in alphabetical order; please check the different parts of this manual for additional authorship and licensing information.) * Albert Gräf (:doc:`pure`; :doc:`purelib`; various addon manuals) * Rob Hubbard (:doc:`pure-rational`) * Kay-Uwe Kirstein (:doc:`pure-gplot`) * Eddie Rucker (:doc:`pure-csv`; :doc:`pure-gsl`) * Jiri Spitz (:doc:`pure-glpk`) * Peter Summerland (:doc:`pure-sql3`, :doc:`pure-stlmap`, :doc:`pure-stlvec`) The Pure programming system is free and open source software. The interpreter runtime, the standard library and most of the addon modules are distributed under the |LGPL|_ or the 3-clause |BSDL|_ which allow for commercial applications. Some parts of the system also use the |GPL|_ (typically because they interface to other GPL'ed software such as Gnumeric, GSL and Octave). Details about authorship and license conditions can be found in the sources or in the various manual sections. For more information, discussions, feedback, questions, suggestions etc. please see: * Pure website: https://agraef.github.io/pure-lang/ * Pure mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/pure-lang .. only:: html From the Pure website you can also download a recent version of this manual in `pdf format`_. .. _pdf format: https://agraef.github.io/pure-docs/puredoc.pdf .. only:: winhelp Pure on Windows --------------- If you're reading this then you're looking at the html help for Pure. The following Windows-specific information is available: * :doc:`windows` * :doc:`purepad` Please note that, although the documentation listed below includes *all* addon modules which are available for Pure, only a subset of the addon modules actually come bundled with the Windows Pure package. Most basic extensions are included in the package; at the time of this writing, these are: :doc:`pure-csv `, :doc:`pure-doc `, :doc:`pure-fastcgi `, :doc:`pure-faust `, :doc:`pure-ffi `, :doc:`pure-gen `, :doc:`pure-glpk `, :doc:`pure-gsl `, :doc:`pure-mpfr `, :doc:`pure-octave `, :doc:`pure-odbc `, :doc:`pure-readline `, :doc:`pure-reduce `, :doc:`pure-sockets `, :doc:`pure-sql3 `, :doc:`pure-stldict `, :doc:`pure-stlmap `, :doc:`pure-stlvec ` and :doc:`pure-xml `. Other modules are available as separate packages, please check the Addons_ page on the wiki for details. .. _Addons: https://github.com/agraef/pure-lang/wiki/Addons If one of the modules is not currently available, this doesn't mean that it can't be ported to Windows; it just means that noone has yet bothered to do so. Very few of the distributed Pure modules are truly Unix- or Mac-specific (the :pure:mod:`posix` module is one notable example). Feel free to ask on the Pure mailing list about modules that you'd like to see ported and/or included in the Windows package. .. only:: html Language and Standard Library ----------------------------- This part of the manual documents the Pure language and interpreter, as well as the standard library distributed with the interpreter. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: pure purelib .. _addon modules: .. only:: html Basic Support Utilities and Libraries ------------------------------------- This part covers general programming tools and libraries which are useful in many Pure programs but don't come bundled with the interpreter. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: pure-avahi pure-bonjour pure-doc pure-ffi pure-gen pure-readline pure-sockets pure-stldict pure-stllib pure-stlmap pure-stlvec .. only:: html Scientific Computing -------------------- Interfaces to various 3rd party mathematical software. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: gnumeric-pure pure-glpk pure-gplot pure-gsl pure-mpfr pure-octave pure-rational pure-reduce .. only:: html Database and Web Programming ---------------------------- Modules for dealing with data in CSV and XML format, interfacing to SQL databases, and running Pure scripts in a web server using the FastCGI protocol. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: pure-csv pure-fastcgi pure-odbc pure-sql3 pure-xml .. only:: html GUI and Graphics ---------------- Various interfaces to 3rd party GUI and graphics libraries. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: pure-g2 pure-gl pure-gtk pure-tk .. only:: html Multimedia ---------- A collection of scripts and modules useful for programming media applications. Currently, this covers digital audio, MIDI and OSC. Interfaces to Yann Orlarey's functional DSP programming language Faust and Miller Puckette's graphical computer music software PureData are also available. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: faust2pd pd-faust pd-pure pure-audio pure-faust pure-liblo pure-lilv pure-lv2 pure-midi .. only:: html Appendix: Installation and Usage -------------------------------- General information about installing and using Pure. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: install bugs .. only:: html Index ----- .. We'd like to use the standard :ref:`modindex` target below, but this is apparently hardwirded to 'py-modindex'. :( .. |Module Index| replace:: *Module Index* .. _Module Index: pure-modindex.html * |Module Index|_ * :ref:`genindex`