Pure-CSV - Comma Separated Value Interface for the Pure Programming Language

Version 1.6, April 11, 2018

Eddie Rucker <erucker@bmc.edu>

The CSV library provides an interface for reading and writing comma separated value files. The module is very loosely based on Python’s CSV module (http://docs.python.org/lib/module-csv.html).


Get the latest source from https://bitbucket.org/purelang/pure-lang/downloads/pure-csv-1.6.tar.gz.

Run make to compile the module and make install (as root) to install it in the Pure library directory. This requires GNU make. The make install step is only necessary for system-wide installation.

The make utility tries to guess your Pure installation directory and platform-specific setup. If it gets this wrong, you can set some variables manually. In particular, make install prefix=/usr sets the installation prefix, and make PIC=-fPIC or some similar flag might be needed for compilation on 64 bit systems. Please see the Makefile for details.


Data records are represented as vectors or lists of any Pure values. Values are converted as necessary and written as a group of strings, integers, or doubles separated by a delimiter. Three predefined dialects are provided; DEFAULT (record terminator= \n ), RFC4180 (record terminator= \r\n ), and Excel. Procedures are provided to create other CSV dialects. See (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4180.txt) for more details about the RFC4180 standard.

Handling Errors

error msg
is an error handling term. Operations resulting in parse errors, memory errors, or read/write errors produce a special csv::error msg term, where msg is a string describing the particular error. Your application should either check for these or have csv::error defined to directly handle errors in some way (e.g., provide a default value, or raise an exception).

Creating Dialects

dialect record

creates a dialect from a record of dialect option pairs. The dialect object is freed automatically when exiting the pure script. The list of possible options and option values are presented below.

  • delimiter - Character used to separate fields.
    • Value - any string.
    • Default - ",".
  • escape - Embedded escape character used to embed a delimiter, escape, or terminator into unquoted fields. If the escape character is not null, then the quote character is ignored.
    • Value - any string.
    • Default - "".
    • Reading - The escape character is dropped and the next char is inserted into the field.
    • Writing - The escape character is written into the output stream before the delimiter, escape, or return character.
  • quote - Quotes are used to embed delimiters, quotes, or terminators into a field.
    • Value - any string.
    • Default - "\"".
    • Notes - Embedded quotes are doubled. The escape option must be the null string.
  • terminator - Record termination string.
    • Value - any string.
    • Reading - Either a user specified string or if not specivied the file is sniffed for a \r, \r\n, or \n.
    • Writing - Either a user specified string, \r\n for Windows platforms, or \n for everything else.
  • quote_flag - Sets the quoting style of strings and/or numbers.
    • Value - One of {ALL, STRINGS, MINIMAL}.
    • Default - ALL.
    • Reading -
      1. ALL - Every field is read as a string.
      2. STRING, MINIMAL - Fields within quotes and fields that cannot be converted to integers or doubles are read as strings.
    • Writing -
      1. ALL - Every field is written within quotes.
      2. STRING - Only fields of type string are quoted.
      3. MINIMAL - Only fields containing embedded quotes, terminators, or delimiters are written within quotes.
  • space_around_quoted_field - Determines how white space between quotes and delimiters should be treated.
    • Value - One of {NO, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTH}.
    • Default - NO.
    • Reading -
      1. NO - Follows RFC4180 rules.
      2. LEFT - Allows space before a quoted field.
      3. RIGHT - Allows space between a quoted field and a delimiter.
      4. BOTH - Allows space before and after a quoted field.
    • Writing - fields are never written with space before a quoted field or between a quoted field and a delimiter.
    • Notes this option does not affect space within quotes or fields written using the escape string option.
  • trim_space - trim white space before or after field contents.
    • Value - One of {NO, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTH}.
    • Default - NO.
    • Reading -
      1. NO - Reading follows RFC4180 rules.
      2. LEFT, RIGHT, or BOTH - The field is trimmed accordingly. Use caution because trimming may allow automatic conversion of numbers if the quote_flag is set to MINIMAL.
    • Writing -
      1. NO - Reading follows RFC4180 rules
      2. LEFT, RIGHT, or BOTH - Trimming space is probably a bad idea since leading or trailing space may be significant for other applications.

The following example illustrates the construction of a dialect for reading tab delimited files without quoted strings.


> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {delimiter=>"\t", quote_flag=>STRING};

Opening CSV Files

open name::string
opens a CSV file for reading using the default dialect. If the file does not exist, the error msg rule is invoked.
open (name::string, rw_flag::string)
opens a CSV file for reading, writing, or appending using the default dialect. Valid rw_flag values are "r" for reading, "w" for writing, and "a" for appending. If the file does not exist when opened for reading, the error msg rule is invoked. When a file is opened for writing and the file exists, the old file is overwritten. If the file does not exist, a new empty file is created. When a file is opened for appending and the file exists, new records are appended to the end of the file, otherwise a new empty file is created.
open (name::string, rw_flag::string, d::matrix)
exactly as above except reading/writing is done according to a user defined dialect d.
open (name::string, rw_flag::string, d::matrix, opts@(_:_))

exactly as above except allows for list output or header options when reading.

  1. If opts contains LIST, the output of getr, fgetr, and fgetr_lazy is a list instead of a vector.
  2. If opts contains HEADER, the first line of the file is automatically read and parsed as a record where entries are key=>position pairs where key is a string and position is an integer denoting the location of a field within the record. The header record may be accessed by header.


> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {delimiter=>"\t"};
> let f = open ("junk.csv", "w", d);
> putr f {"hello",123,"",3+:4,world};
> close f;
> let f = open ("junk.csv", "r", d);
> getr f;

Suppose our file “test.csv” is as presented below.

ir$ more test.csv
"HOPE, BOB",90,95
"JONES, SALLY",88,72
"RED, FEEFEE",45,52

Notice how the LIST option affects the return of getr and how the HEADER option may be used to index records.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {quote_flag=>MINIMAL};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "r", d, [LIST,HEADER]);
> let r = getr f;
> r!0;
> let k = header f;
> k;
> r!(k!"NAME");
> r!!(k!!["NAME","TEST1"]);
["HOPE, BOB",90]

File Reading Functions

getr csv_file::pointer
reads from a csv_file opened by csv::open and returns a record represented as a row matrix. Reading from a file opened for writing or appending invokes the error msg rule.
fgetr csv_file::pointer
reads a whole file and returns a list of records. This procedure should only be used on data files that are small enough to fit in the computer’s primary memory. Reading from a file opened for writing or appending invokes the error msg rule.
fgetr_lazy csv_file::pointer
Lazy version of fgetr.

File Writing Functions

When modifying CSV files that will be imported into Microsoft Excel, fields with significant leading 0s should be written using a "=""0...""" formatting scheme. This same technique will work for preserving leading space too. Again, this quirk should only be necessary for files to be imported into MS Excel.

putr csv_file::pointer rec::matrix
writes a record in row matrix format to csv_file. Writing to a file opened for reading invokes the error msg rule.
fputr csv_file::pointer l@(_:_)
writes a list of records where each record is a row matrix to csv_file. Writing to a file opened for reading invokes the error msg rule.


The first example shows how to write and read a default CSV file.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let f = open ("testing.csv", "w");
> fputr f [{"bob",3.9,"",-2},{"fred",-11.8,"",0},{"mary",2.3,"$",11}];
> close f;
> let f = open "testing.csv";
> fgetr f;
> close f;

The second example illustrates how to write and read a CSV file using automatic conversions.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {quote_flag=>MINIMAL};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "w", d);
> putr f {"I","",-4,1.2,2%4,like};
> putr f {"playing","the",0,-0.2,1+:4,drums};
> close f;
> let f = open ("test.csv", "r", d);
> fgetr f;
> close f;

Records containing quotes, delimiters, and line breaks are also properly handled.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {quote_flag=>STRING};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "w", d);
> fputr f [{"this\nis\n",1},{"a \"test\"",2}];
> close f;
> let f = open ("test.csv", "r", d);
> fgetr f;
[{"this\nis\n",1},{"a \"test\"",2}]
> close f;

Consider the following hand written CSV file. According to RFC4180, this is not a valid CSV file. However, by using the space_around_quoted_field, the file can still be read.

erucker:$ more test.csv
  "this",   "is",  "not", "valid"
> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let f = open "test.csv";
> getr f;
csv::error "parse error at line 1"
> let d = dialect {space_around_quoted_field=>BOTH};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "r", d);
> getr f;

The trim_space flag should be used with caution. A field with space in front of a number should be interpreted as a string, but consider the following file.

erucker:$ more test.csv
"  this   ", 45 ,23,  hello

Now observe the differences for the two dialects below.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {trim_space=>BOTH};
> let f = open ("test.csv","r",d);
> getr f;
> let d = dialect {trim_space=>BOTH, quote_flag=>MINIMAL};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "r", d);
> getr f;

The trim_space flag also affects writing.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {trim_space=>BOTH};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "w", d);
> putr f {"   this   ","   45 "};
> close f;
> quit

erucker:$ more test.csv

For the last example a tab delimiter is used, automatic conversions is on, and records are represented as lists. Files are automatically closed when the script is finished.

> using csv;
> using namespace csv;
> let d = dialect {quote_flag=>MINIMAL, delimiter=>"\t"};
> let f = open ("test.csv", "w", d, [LIST]);
> fputr f [["a","b",-4.5,""],["c","d",2.3,"-"]];
> close f;
> let f = open ("test.csv", "r", d, [LIST]);
> fgetr f;
> quit